Mouthcare Training For Caregivers
Register or login for training on Mouth Care Without a Battle, an evidence-based program that improves care and outcomes for persons with cognitive and physical impairment. It can be used by family members, personal and nursing care assistants, nurses, and others.
More than 80% of nursing assistants who have used Mouth Care Without a Battle report being more able to successfully provide mouth care, with resulting improvements in teeth and gums as shown in the comparisons below...
Before & Afters
Drag the sliders to visually see the improvements that are possible with the correct care.

The people for whom they provide care have better oral hygiene, and over one year, older adults who lived in nursing homes that used Mouth Care Without a Battle had fewer cases of pneumonia. They talked about how much better their mouths felt, and their family members talked about how much better their relative’s mouths looked.
Training on Mouth Care Without a Battle and access to all training resources cost $5.00.
Mouth Care Without a Battle was developed by clinicians and researchers from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Financial support for its development was provided by the Alzheimer's Association; FutureCare of North Carolina; State of Florida, Agency for Health Care Administration; and U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
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